My name is jessica.
I'm 23 on July 2010.
I love rain drops, blue skies, wind breeze,trees, flowers.
I love nature-literally.
I love to read ensyclopedia and graphic novels when my parents couldn't afford to buy me one. So visiting the nearest playground with a mini library inside become my childhood pleasure. Easy yet amusing. Sitting all day, drain my-self in the world of science and imagination. Nothing compares.
I love, love, love to read, and draw. And music. I read everything when I was a child. From children magazines, my Indonesian literature school-book, my english course hand-book (which I still kept), my mom's books and magazines, my dad's business book, his traveler's guide to Europe and map(which made me dreamt about travelling the world whole of my life) my grandma's books, my grandpa's books, everything else that can be read.
So I started deciding my future. I want to be a stewardess on grade 4, a fashion designer on grade 5 and 6, an archeologist on 2nd and 3rd grade junior high, a psychologist on 1st and 2nd senior high, and an interior designer on 3rd grade, the one finally chosen as my carrier to-be, at least until my 1st year in uni.
And still, while all of responsibility and such have to be done, I fill my thoughts and heart with other beautiful things. I convince my self to study not for a bachelor degree. There is more than that. I enjoyed most of all my time studying at uni. Not as smart and talented as those people around me, I enjoyed reading books for hours in the library, translating architecture philosophy for my best friends.
So I studied, enjoyed and understand. Good marks, average marks, on and on.Final project, graduate, bachelor degree. I dedicate my degree for my parents, the one who struggle and worked very hard to support all my needs during my days at schools.
And so now I'm here. Nowhere to go. Still in search of what future holds. They said I should focus on my carrier, get good job, good money. I said life is more than that.
All in my life I've learned to see beautiful things in different perspective. Still long way to go, the gate to my future is wide open. Focus on your dream they said, while I'm still searching. While people are honored for their talents, I'm still searching for a place that suits mine. A place where I could share those ensyclopedies, novels, and books I've read to others. Where I could share my struggle, my mistakes, my hopes and prayer as an inspiration to others. where I could learn and live life with others. Where I could share that life is more than money, pride, self-status and fame. Life is more than that. yes, life is more than that.
I'm still searching.