Don't teach your children life lessons with talks. Just show them in your daylife.
Don't ask your daughter to stop dating older man.. Be a good role model instead.. Teach them what they want to know. They wouldn't need other mature people to satisfy their hunger of maturity.
Don't be a police guard who stays awake waiting them come home until 3 a.m.. Be their best friend and ask what they're doing on the next day instead.
Don't yell at your children to tidy up their room.. Give them an understanding about hygiene and health instead.
Don't act like a dictator.. Just learn that people born with different characters. Adapt with your children's differences. They'll learn to obey you with their own way and put their trust on you as their friend.
Don't compare your children to others and show your disatisfaction to them. It will hurt themselves, as long as start comparing you with other parents too.
Don't judge your children's friends just because they're tattoed, pierced or playing heavy metal music. Try to understand that God created people in many kind of appearance and just try to accept them and be their trustable friend instead. They will put their trust in you and never lie behind your back.
Don't be angry if they do wrong, just remember that a fault is just one step closer to success, and believe that experience is one of the best teacher in our lives. Just teach them how to handle bad conditions and be their shoulder to cry on instead. They'll grow stronger than what you expect.
Don't bring too much negative thoughts out from your head.. If you're sure you've nurtured and teach them your best, just relax, put your trust on them as they grew older, and just believe that the God, the One you always pray to, watches them regulary and take care of them for you.
Don't force your children to accept your believes and your perspective of life. Understand that you get different acknowledge in different environment and different condition. Things will never be the same for you and your children. Try to appreciate their thoughts instead. They'll grow up to be an open-minded and responsible kids.
Don't ever think that your children will always be children. Just accept their maturity fase, and understand that what goes around comes around. They're soon gonna grow up just like you..
Be prepare instead.